By: Philip D. Walker
Director – Eskind Biomedical Library
Vanderbilt University

Monrovia, Liberia – Today’s Grand Rounds meetings were presided over by a veteran researcher, Dr. Philip D. Walker, Director, Eskind Biomedical Library, Vanderbilt University.

Dr. Walker stressed that the “Sense of urgency” remains the key factor when writing a research paper.
Making a second appearance at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center Lobby, Dr. Walker emphasized the possibilities for a successful research paper depend on collaboration with other people who have an idea of what you want to present.

He also mentioned that the Case Study of a patient is a basis for future reference to the work being done at JFK Hospital.

However, he named several points for a successful research paper as follows:

  • epidemiology studies
  • retrospective and prospective studies
  • Case-control

  • Literature reviews
  • Surveys
  • Internal practice guidelines and
  • Unit or hospital policies

He said you can also use a questionnaire but it depends on what you want to find out.
The research paper, however, Dr. Walker says it shows how you operate a hospital or an organization.
He said the reality of the research, including skills as well as the resources, peer mentor,s, mindset, and organisational culture, plays a major role in the research process.

“Some research paper takes about 3 years to write” You could bring someone in to help you, said Dr. Walker, especially in analyzing the research material.

Mentioning the resources for research, he said, for example, Pudmed, Google and Research for Life will help you in doing a good research paper.
“Within the 20-plus years in the research process”, Dr Walker said he has seen in the research environment, that you need someone to help you, no matter how good or brilliant you might be.
When it comes to quality research, he said you have to also observe the deadline for the research paper to be done.
Mindset is important and deadline is very critical in writing a research paper, Dr. Walker stressed.
“Start small and build up your need for further partnership”; he said concluding his second presentation on the research process at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center.

Written by: Edwin G. Vonhm

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