LV Prasad – Liberia Eye Center Celebrates 7th Anniversary

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LV Prasad – Liberia Eye Center Celebrates 7th Anniversary

LV Prasad – Liberia Eye Center Celebrates 7th Anniversary

On the Monday October 26, 2020 edition of the program “INSIDE JFK”, we play host to Medical Doctors from the Internal Medicine Department at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center, who recently sat an examination administer to Physicians in the West African region by the West African College of Physicians and Surgeons. The Liberian Doctors successfully passed the examination and were bestowed upon the honor of FELLOWS of the West African College of Physicians and Surgeons. 

Their discussion were centered around STRENGTHENING THE HEALTH SYSTEM IN LIBERIA, with specific emphasis on Specialists Training. They also spoke about their experiences while sitting the examination and cautioned other Physicians in Liberia who are pursuing similar path in the medical field to work hard and take their studies seriously. 

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