Monrovia – Members of the Committee On Health in the House of Representatives and Senate today Friday, January 31, 2025 toured the two major hospitals operated by the John F. Kennedy Medical Center and that of the Liberia Japanese Friendship Maternity Hospital, Maternity for its known to the general population of Liberia.
Members of the committee were received by the administration of the medical centre at the John F Kennedy Medical Center administration conference hall for the briefing on challenges and prospects for the fiscal year 2025.
Outlining some of those major hurdles since her administration assumed office last year are consistent power outages, damaged CT scan machines and unpaid medical bills which add to the burden of one hundred and seventy-one thousand United States dollars subsidy allocated for services at JFK Hospital by national government quarterly, the CEO, Dr. Linda told Committee members.
However, subsequently reviewing the high infant mortality rate in the entire sub-region, Dr Birch said the donation of new incubators by the President of the Republic of Liberia, his Excellency President Joseph Nyumah Boakai in December, 2024 could help alleviate neonatal deaths of inborn and outborn neonate’s at the JFK Medical Center.
Speaking today on behalf of the JFKMC administration, Dr. Emmanuel Tamba, Chief Medical Officer, CMO, also mentioned that the total amount of funds needed for total renovation of the Tubman National Institute of Medical Arts, TNIMA is approximately four hundred thousand United States dollars to make it fully functional.
However, Dr. Peter Peter Coleman, head of the Surgical Faculty, JFK medical center outlines major changes faced by surgeons at the medical center using three out of nine operation theatres in the John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital which performs some of the m ** ost critical surgeries in the entire country.
He said Liberia is the second nation in the World which experiences one of the worst road traffic accidents daily, according to the World Health Organization, WHO statistics.
Meanwhile, members of the Committee On Health from both the house of representatives and Senate have agreed to work with the John F. Kennedy Medical Center’s administration is based on what they observe during the tour of“` both the Maternity Hospital and JFK Memorial Hospitals.
Written by: Edwin G. Vonhm
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